Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - Kellar Lawrence

Kellar Lawrence

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How Can I Manage My Expectations On The Sale Of My Home?

Knowledge is power! No need to be intimidated, Kellar Lawrence can show you how to position your home to sell it quickly and for the highest possible value. Here are the top five expectations throughout your home selling process to help lead to a successful sale!

Give Your Home a Facelift: You will need to make your home as marketable as possible. Any intended projects should not only make your home look it’s best, but also give you the best return on investment. Focus on clean spaces, less is always more!  The buyer needs to see your home as theirs!  Focus on your home’s best assets, like showing off your beautiful kitchen countertops, a large living room, a newly renovated bathroom, or an incredible outdoor entertaining area. Never underestimate a fresh coat of paint that gives that new home look and smell.

Quick Sale: A quick sale should always be high on the priority list! The quicker your house sells, the more desirable it appears, the higher the selling price. To understand what is quick for you, we will follow your local market, the time of year and what has sold in the past six months. A quick sale is based on a plan, a physically attractive listing, and Kellar Lawrence’s ability to market it to the best potential buyer.

Expect a little Inconvenience: You can expect the inconvenience of the showings and at the same time you should want the inconvenience!  The more showings, the more buyers, the faster the sale, you get it! Keep your house clean and clutter free; it’s inconvenient, but necessary so your potential buyer can see themselves in your home. 

 Be ready to Negotiate: We will look at each negotiation thoughtfully. Keep in mind that the initial negotiation will set the tone for the entire sales process. Our goal is to sell your house for the highest net profit we can while making sure the buyer doesn’t feel taken advantage of during the early negotiations. Always look at the big picture.

Expect Top Dollar: Your most important goal should be to get top dollar for your house. How do you make this happen? Your Kellar Lawrence real estate agent will review comparable sales in your area and will help you set the best list price, attract, and negotiate the best possible deal. 

In closing, focus on setting yourself up for a smooth, quick transaction with Kellar Lawrence! We will sell your home fast, show your house at its best, create the best marketing possible, and negotiate Top Dollar!


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